Donate to the GPSG Pantry!
Please contact gpsgpantry@gmail.com to donate more that $999
Established in the Fall of 2017, the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) Community Pantry is a student-led initiative to provide basic resources for all Graduate and Professional students at Duke University. Students can access non-perishable foods, baby and child care items, personal hygiene products, school supplies, and gently used professional clothing and household items from the Community Pantry free of charge. Our mission is to ensure that all Graduate and Professional students and their families do not struggle with food insecurity in order to allow these students to focus on their education. We also collaborate with partners across Duke and the Triangle area to raise awareness about food insecurity on college campuses.
Due to the generous contributions from our supportive community, the Community Pantry has been able to safety distribute over 900 customized grocery bags to students and their families and since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Monetary donations to the pantry will be used to purchase non-perishable food items, baby care products, personal hygiene products, and common household products (e.g., toilet paper, paper towels). As we continue our response to assist our peers during this unprecedented time, we appreciate your generous support.
If you would like to learn more information about the GPSG Community Pantry, please visit our website or email gpsgpantry@gmail.com.
Thank you tremendously,
The Community Pantry Team