Ensemble Intercolor is a trailblazing young trio whose wholly original approach to music ensures a vibrant and dynamic program at every concert. Their singular instrumental combination of cimbalom, viola, clarinet and voice combines with their varied cultural backgrounds – the three musicians are from Belarus, Colombia and France – to create a perennially fresh perspective. They expand their instrumentation with voice, percussion and sound experiences using objects. Conceiving of each instrument as a human voice, they create unique, unforgettable transcriptions of early vocal music.
In their program “Inspiratrices,” they pay homage to nearly-forgotten female composers of vocal music. New arrangements bring fresh life to historical works written primarily during the Renaissance and spanning the 12th through 17th centuries. The program also features contemporary music inspired by the female figures of the past.
Isabelle Jacquet de la Guerre (1665-1729)
Judith – Sixieme Cantate a voix seule avec Symphonie – excerpt
(Judith – Sixth Cantata for solo voice with Symphony)
Francesca Caccini (1587-1640)
Ch’amor sio nudo
Chi desia di saper
Gracia Baptista(active around 1557)
Conditor Alme
Hildegard von Bingen (1140-1212)
Ave Generosa
Andrew Waggoner (1960-)
Miroir des ames (Mirror of souls)
Maddalena Casulana (1544-1590) second book of Madrigals:
O notte, O Cielo,
O Mare Gran miracol d’amore
Ahi possanza d’amore
Gli ochi lucent e belli
Barbara Strozzi (1619-1677)
I baci (The kisses)
Francesca Caccini (1587-1640)
Regina Caeli Laetare Alleluia